Diane "Dee" Morrell's Memorial Website | Ever Loved


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In lieu of flowers

Please consider a donation to Dee Morrell Legacy - Family Fund.
of $3,000 goal
43 %


Diane Lynn Morrell, 70, passed away peacefully on January 20th, 2021. 'Dee,' as she was known to friends and family, was a devoted wife to her husband Bill, mother to her son Michael, daughter to her mother Emma, and sister to her siblings Sharon, George, and David. A native of Connecticut, Dee accompanied members of her Italian restauranter family — first to West Virginia, where she met and married the love of her life, Bill …

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Memories & condolences

One of the kindest and most generous people I have ever known! She kept my boys while I worked when they were very youn…
One of the kindest and most generous people I have ever known! She kept my boys while I worked when…
One of the kindest and most generous people I have ever known! S…
I only met Dee in person once, in June 2019, but I’ve known of her since 1979. She raised my birth-son. There is a part…
I only met Dee in person once, in June 2019, but I’ve known of her since 1979. She raised my birth-…
I only met Dee in person once, in June 2019, but I’ve known of h…
Our family still grieves over losing our cousin, DeeDee. Such a terrible loss for family and
As her oldest cou…
Our family still grieves over losing our cousin, DeeDee. Such a terrible loss for family and
Our family still grieves over losing our cousin, DeeDee. Such a…
I am so sorry. I am a fellow traveler who knows how essential it is to be gentle and tender with yourself as you grieve…
I am so sorry. I am a fellow traveler who knows how essential it is to be gentle and tender with yo…
I am so sorry. I am a fellow traveler who knows how essential it…




August 1st, 1950

Passed away

January 20th, 2021
Douglasville, GA, USA

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Other key details

Cause of death

COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Method of disposition


Mayes Ward-Dobbins Funeral Home
Funeral services provided by

Mayes Ward-Dobbins Funeral Home


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Diane "Dee" Morrell